These are all great statistics and may be indicating that agile methods are indeed penetrating into the enterprise much faster than earlier analysis predicted. However, without knowing the sample from which the responses were taking, it is difficult to put too much weight behind these numbers. Since a number of agile sources are providing the links to the agile survey, it would tend to reach only those that are either using agile or have a knowledge of agile methods.
Scott Ambler has also hosted a survey and presented his early findings at the conference. The raw data of his survey results are published here, but expect a more susinct article to appear in another month.
My personal experience consulting with companies has shown an increase in the enterprise adoption of agile methods. If you have seen any other recent survey results, or less-biased survey results, please let me know. I would ask for your opinion of agile adoption, but I predict that I would get an over-favorable results just based on my blog readership being quite agile aware.