I have selected these sessions first because I know the speakers are top notch. Secondly, because I think their topics are of particular interest this year based on what I am seeing through my clients. Whether you attend these sessions, or some of the many others, or just go to talk with other agile peers – go and enjoy!
- New Approaches to Risk Management by David Anderson
- Advances in Release Planning by Jim Highsmith
- Leveraging Collaborative Tools with Distributed Customer Teams by Luke Hohmann
- Barely Suffient Portfolio Management by Todd Little and Kent McDonald
- XP: My Greatest Misses 2000-2009 by J.B. Rainsburger
- First, Kill All The Metrics by Niel Nickolaisen and Chris Matts
- Agile Project Metrics by Dave Nicolette
- Leading Agile in an Economic Downturn – “The IBM Transformation Story” by Sue McKinney
- Agile: placebo or real solution? by Linda Rising
- Coaching Success: Getting People to Take Responsibility & Demonstrate Ownership by Christopher Avery and Ashley Johnson
- Build Your Team’s Collaboration Muscle by Lee Devin and Lyssa Adkins
- Role of the Agile Leader in Reconfiguring the Business by Israel Gat
- Agility Night Live – TV Sketches and Project Stories by Ken Collier