Pete Behrens
Founder, Managing Partner & Leadership Agility Coach
Words of Wisdom:
Not all who wander are lost.

Who I Am:
Pete Behrens is a Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) Educator, providing awareness (CAL 1) and practice (CAL 2) for improved leadership competency and value delivery. He has educated agile leaders since 2011 and developed the CAL Program for the Scrum Alliance in 2016.
Pete is a Certified Leadership Agility 360 Coach providing awareness, education and guidance for increasing impact and agility. He was certified as a Changewise 360 Leadership Agility Coach in 2009.
Pete is a thought leader, Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) and and former Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) engaging with organizations to improve team alignment and delivery. Pete was certified as a CST in 2006 and developed the CEC Program for the Scrum Alliance in 2007.
Pete served on the Scrum Alliance Board of Directors, providing strategic consulting and guidance to transforming the world of work. He speaks at Agile Conferences, Scrum Gatherings, Leadership Events, and Local User Groups across the globe. He served from 2016-2018.
What I do at Trail Ridge:
Pete guides leaders to transform themselves and their organizations toward agile ways of working and improved outcomes.
Pete heads up the Agile Leadership Journey Program for Trail Ridge and is actively building the leadership education and practice curriculum to develop the leaders of tomorrow.
Pete is a Managing Partner for Trail Ridge putting all of the techniques he teaches to practice.
How to engage with me:
When I’m not working I’m:
Probably biking, hiking or golfing near Boulder, Colorado.